Thursday, May 28, 2009


Unfortunately, parents buy clothes for their children all by themselves, and the children just have to accept their choice. Undoubtedly, it is much easier for adults to do shopping without children, when nobody pulls them by their hand and ask "silly questions". However, you shouldn't choose an easy way!

We recommend you to do shopping with your children). To do this, try to find some special time. Remember, sales and the eves of holidays are the worst days!)

How to start your "shopping travel"? First, try to explain your child that all clothing items in the shop are classified on certain principles. There are special clothing departments both for girls and boys. Pants and jeans are not mixed with skirts there! All items are sorted by their sizes. Explain your child, what "size" means, and that it depends on a certain person's height and build.

Show your child, how his/her size is identified. Teach him/her, how to find it on the labels. And then, after a brief lesson, give way to your fantasy!

Choose everything, you and your child like the best! Perhaps, your tastes will be the same!

And now, let's go to the fitting room. Isn't it funny to turn round in the new outfit at a large mirror? Just so, your child will be able to value all advantages of chosen item.

"That's just we wanted!" said you and your child together. The choice has done, but don't forget about accessories, they make an image finished. You may match a stylish bag, hair clips or exotic beads up to a new dress for a girl and a trendy belt or an unusual tie for a boy.

Be sure, the time spent in the shop won't be wasted. Besides the joy of a new purchase, he/she will get a lot of important skills which help him/her to become more self-dependent.

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